Common mistakes in kitchen renovations

In kitchen renovations, the same mistakes always happen. In this article, we will explain what they are. We will classify their severity since once the work or reform is done, it is complicated and costs to reverse them.

Comprehensive kitchen renovations in some instances require speed of execution since, in some cases, the house cannot be abandoned to carry out the renovation. You must follow a series of guidelines to do a check on the reform before starting it.

Needs programming
List the number of gadgets you need. The basics are the sink, the stove and the refrigerator. The first thing is to finish with this list of elements (oven, microwave, other small appliances such as coffee makers, juicers ...) Make sure you have enough storage space. Think about how many people live in the house, how many non-perishable products you have and if the storage space can only be the kitchen.

The position of the main points
The three central points of the kitchen, listed above, are the sink, the stove and the refrigerator. In an ideal arrangement, they should form a triangle so that you can move from one to another quickly, leaving a counter space between them. When they are placed inline or on parallel islands, their position must allow the kitchen work, also maintaining the lateral workspaces.

Tall furniture
It is true that when we see a kitchen with low furniture we see more space and it gives more tranquillity since we have more air. Only the extractor hood that, depending on the model, we can even embed in the ceiling or put it inside the hob. When we need space, tall furniture is very recurrent. Take care of the heights of these elements and what they stick out. Do not forget about the widths of the doors and everything that goes forward.

Take advantage of useless spaces
When we have an L or U distribution, we have corner modules that are difficult to access. Think about what to do with them or even if they are even interesting to have in another stay. If you are lucky enough that this space borders the laundry room or another space, you can open the back of that U-shaped unit, difficult to access from the kitchen, to take advantage of it from another room.

Renew the facilities
A change in the kitchen involves changing the tiles, the floor and the furniture. Take the opportunity to change the water installation mainly, and if you can, the electricity. Changing the table will require new points of light, new connections for other small appliances...


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