Which building materials can be harmful to our health?

Did you know that not all pollutants can be detected through our sense of smell, and have an intrinsic ability to positively or negatively influence our health? In fact, it has been shown that air quality can be quite poor in many indoor environments, where we spend about 90% of our lives, and we don't even realize it. This is usually caused by inadequate ventilation of the space and external pollution, but mainly chemical pollutants, i.e. some building materials. So, there are some products that should be avoided whenever possible.

Composed of microscopic fibers, asbestos was used in several fronts of civil construction, such as roofing, water tanks, roofing or thermal insulation. Its use is banned in many countries since the fibers of the material, when inhaled, can cause diseases such as mesothelioma, asbestosis and several other types of cancer.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
These are emitted by a wide range of products, such as paints and varnishes, wallboard, tiles, furniture and even cleaning products, glues and adhesives. They are substances that turn into a gas when they come into contact with air and exposure can cause skin allergies, eye or respiratory irritation, headaches and even difficulty breathing and memory loss. These can usually be felt through the sense of smell.

Chromated copper arsenate
This is a wood preservative based on metals such as copper and arsenic, and is used to impregnate wood parts. These have an adverse impact on the environment and human health due to the accumulation of these metals, especially arsenic, in the environment. Affected tissues can include the brain, lungs, liver, stomach, spleen, kidneys and reproductive organs. In the United States, for example, the use of this preservative is banned in playgrounds and other objects that can come into contact with people.

In construction, lead is often used for roofing, cornices, tank linings and electrical conduits. It was also used in some paints in old buildings. Lead is a cumulative and persistent toxic substance that poses a serious health risk: when inhaled or ingested in excessive amounts, lead can affect the nervous system, reproductive system, blood, kidneys and cause digestive problems, memory and concentration problems, muscle and joint pains.

Lead is a persistent, cumulative toxic substance that poses a serious health risk: when inhaled or ingested in excessive amounts, lead can affect the nervous system, reproductive system, blood, kidneys and cause digestive problems, memory and concentration problems, muscle and joint pains.

In addition to these, there are many other components present in building materials that can pose health risks to occupants and, mainly, to those who handle them during construction. Currently, the prohibition of such components is being legislated, but, equally, you should know which ones to avoid. If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact Grupo Escribano, we will be pleased to help you.


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